Super Tips on Hastening Healing Following Removal of Wisdom Teeth


The removal of wisdom teeth is now rampant attributed to tooth decay, periodontal disease among other things. Complications may occur following their removal and hence calls for the need for proper adherence to aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing takes place. If you have issues with your teeth and require immediate attention, then visit the family dentist in Prince George.

Importance of Aftercare

Dentists have been removing wisdom teeth for many years. The procedure is associated with some discomfort, temporary bleeding, swelling, and bruising. However, most patients who have undergone the dental procedure usually recover quickly. Nonetheless, an essential thing you should note is that the most preventable and common complication following dental surgery is a dry socket.

Symptoms associated with dry socket include severe pain, bad breath, unpleasant taste in the mouth, low-grade fever, swelling of lymph nodes found in the neck region, and visible parts of the jawbone.

To prevent the occurrence of problems/complications following the removal of wisdom teeth, you may benefit from the following post-extraction healing instructions:

In case of swelling: Apply ice packs intermittently to the outer side of your mouth for as long as two days. This aids in reducing the swelling and any bruising or discomfort. If the tooth had signs of infection before its removal, the dentist may advise you to use warm and moist compresses instead of ice.

If there is bleeding: You have to put a gauze pad over the site of extraction for approximately30 minutes after the dental surgery. If the bleeding is heavy, biting down on the gauze pad or just placing your fingers over the gauze pad continuously for30 minutes helps stop the bleeding. Alternatively, you can use a tea bag that is moistened for the same duration of time. It has been proven that the tannic acid found in tea aids in contracting the bleeding vessels hence helps in triggering the blood clot set.

Thorough Mouth Care: You should limit drinking, eating, and talking during the first two hours after a dental surgery, and make plans for resting for the remaining hours of the day. To prevent the blood clot from getting dislodged, avoid rinsing vigorously or using a straw when taking fluids. Additionally, you should not engage in rigorous exercise as well as spitting excessively or smoking as long as bleeding persists. After 12 hours, gently rinse your mouth with a diluted form of a mouthwash or salty water. Take extra caution when brushing your teeth after the surgery, it is best to avoid the surgical region as much as you can.

Dietary Concerns

After the bleeding completely stops, you should drink lots of cold or lukewarm fluids to help you remain in a well-hydrated state. Eat regular meals but it is advisable to first start with soft foods and clear fluids. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages to prevent the blood clot from being dislodged. Do not eat foods such as popcorn, pasta, and nuts because they are likely to leave particles in the socket.


You are advised to take the prescribed antibiotics and pain medications as instructed.

Additional Information

If you want one wisdom tooth or more removed remember to adhere to the above instructions after the procedure. Always remember to seek the services from the family dentist in Prince George.