Braces are a specific type of orthodontic appliance which is used by dentists to straighten and align the teeth by shifting them to the right correction. This treatment addresses numerous concerns, such as crowding, spacing, overjet, underbite, and crossbite. Their main aim is to align a patient’s teeth and jaws for producing an even bite and a presentable smile.

When should you opt for braces?

Dental braces are used to resolve problems such as overcrowded or crooked teeth, excessive space between teeth, upper front teeth which bite behind lower ones and other jaw misalignment issues which might cause an uneven bite. Majority of alignment issues become clear after the permanent teeth start to grow via the gum. However, in some cases, orthodontist suggests patients wait till enough teeth have grown before applying braces.

What type of treatments do we offer?

At Rapha Dental Centre, we have the knowledge and expertise to correct different issues faced by patients using various types of patients. Some of them are mentioned below-

Palatal Expanders-In case of patients who have overcrowded teeth, we often use palatal expansion to resolve the problem. It helps in expanding your palate and enables other braces to fit and rectify the position of a patient’s teeth.

Forsus Appliances-Experts suggest that children should be examined by an orthodontist when he or she is 7 since early childhood is the best time period for treatment.

Ceramic Braces-They may work in the same manner as traditional braces. However, they are made from transparent, ceramic material. These braces are less visible to others, which makes them an ideal choice for adults.

Traditional Braces-Made from high-grade stainless steel and metal brackets which are attached to each tooth using a specific type of statement. We link the brackets using a thin archwire. Pressure is applied to the teeth to enable them to move slowly in the right direction.

Damon Braces-Damon braces use a slid mechanism rather than elastics for connecting the archwires. They ensure quicker results as the patient’s teeth can move on their own without being adjusted. This ensures less friction and pressure on the teeth. Therefore, teeth movement causes less pain.